Guidelines for Development on Juvenile Rehabilitation in the Legal Proceedings a Case Study of the Central Juvenile and Family Court in Bangkok


  • Punyawaj Traijutakarn Thammasat University


Juvenile and Family Court, Juvenile, Rehabilitation


This article aims to demonstrate problems and obstacles in juvenile rehabilitation and suggest the guidelines for juvenile rehabilitation in the legal proceedings on Juvenile and Family Court and Procedure Act B.E. 2553 (2010). This qualitative research was collected through in-depth interviews with 17 participants, including judges, associate judges, psychologists, legal consultants, and juveniles who have allegedly committed an offense as well as their families.
The results show that the problem and obstacles to child and juvenile rehabilitation are into five categories as follows: 1) operation 2) facility 3) coordination 4) legislation 5) administration policy. In addition, the guidelines for development on juvenile rehabilitation present two models, which are 1) a model of rehabilitation process generated for the best interests of the child and juvenile in Thailand and 2) a model of case management which will finally develop for the best interests of the child and juvenile rehabilitation which from those issues will lead to the development of a model of juvenile rehabilitation in the legal proceedings for the best interests of the juvenile.


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