Religious Practical on The Development of Buddhist Well-Being in Thai Society: Sociological Perspective


  • Cholvit Jearajit Srinakharinwirot University
  • Saichol Panyachit Srinakharinwirot University


Religious Practical, Health, Buddhist Well-being


This research employed sociological methodologies to acknowledge interactions and power bargaining of the well-being promotion process by Buddhist organizations. It aims 1) to examine the Buddhist organization driving procedures and health promotion in Thai society, and 2) to investigate the development of risk reduction networks performed by Thai Buddhist organizations. The qualitative research method was applied, including in-depth interviews, group discussions, and activity observation forms. The data collected from thirty participants was examined with thematic and content analyses.
The findings revealed that 1) the reinforcement of Buddhist organizations and health promotion in Thai society required 3 patterns for concrete results: the practice at the policy level, the academic level, and the spatial level; and 2) the development of a risk reduction network could be performed efficiently under the significant Buddhist and public health organizations in 3 ways: the community network, the substantive network, and the structural network.


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