Application of the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) for Evaluating Potential Tourism Clusters to Identify Primary and Second Tier Cities for Supporting MICE Tourists in the World Cultural Heritage Areas


  • Patthareeya Lakpetch National Institute of Development


Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), Potential Tourism Cluster, World Cultural Heritage Zone


The study aims to apply an Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) for evaluating the potential of tourism clusters to identify primary and second tier cities for supporting the promotion of MICE tourism destinations in the cultural world heritage area. The study was conducted by quantitative analysis using a questionnaire as a research tool to collect data from a panel of 5 relevant experts. The collected data was analyzed by using the AHP Online System (AHP-OS). The finding has posited that Phitsanulok province is classified as the primary tier city (59.2%), while Tak, Sukhothai, and Kamphaengpetch provinces are classified as second tier cities (15. 7%, 14.7%, and 10.5%, respectively).
For public-private collaboration guidelines, it is suggested that educational institutions can also apply research knowledge to promote the local wisdom and provide useful advice on creating added value for tourism products and services in the unique sustainable tourism development zone, ranging from Sukhothai province, Tak Province, and Kamphaeng Phet province by raising awareness and responsibility to mitigate the
negative impacts of overall three aspects such as economic, socio-cultural and environmental aspects of tourism activities.


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