Using Digital Technology to Create a Delphi Method Online Tool


  • Rujira Rikharom Khon Kaen University
  • Wirapong Chansanam Khon Kaen University


Digital Technology, Creating Research Tools, Delphi Online


This research tools reduce duplication and reduce data collection time online with the use of digital technologies, consisting of a set of hardware devices such as computers and software devices such as the Google Form, one of Google’s toolkit programs accessible by a Gmail account, which is used to create the Online Delphi form and support channel for receiving messages or questions, sending replies via email, using Facebook and other channels that are rooted in digital devices, such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, and PC computers, etc. They are used with a signal network, a program to work on the World Wide Web in
real-time without the need for interaction or face-to-face interaction. This study aims to create the privacy protection of the data provider to gain quality answers for the analysis of these research results. It uses a digital technology called Google Forms as a tool to create Online Delphi. It was used to collect research data, leading to the author’s conclusions and ideas, which can be used to develop the most suitable tool for research methods in further research studies. It is also widely used in social distancing research studies in the era of the emerging epidemic. Therefore, this article aims to present digital technology to create Online
Delphi research tools by emphasizing the essence of digital technology concepts supporting research tools and using a digital technology called Google Forms as a tool to create Delphi Online. Which can be used to develop to be the best tool for users and researchers who want to increase their skills and proficiency without restrictions the independence, time and saving the budget of suitable for current research methods and the future.


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