Elderly Schools: The Quality of Life and Physical Fitness of the Elderly in Northeast Thailand (A Case Study of Elderly Schools in Uthai Sawan Sub-district, Nong Bua Lamphu Province, Na Mueang Sub-district Municipality, Roi Et Province, and Tabao Sub-district, Surin Province.)


  • Uraiwan Runghairun Thammasat University


elderly school, quality of life of the elderly, physical fitness of the elderly


The objectives of the research were to study conduct comparative study of the level of quality of life and physical fitness among the elderly with different periods of participation in the elderly school. This research used a quantitative approach with the researcher adopting the Thai version of the World Health Organization Quality of Life Assessment (WHOQOL-BREFTHAI) and the Elderly Physical Fitness Assessment from the Department of Physical Education. The sample group consisted of 279 elders who participated in the activities at three specifically selected elderly schools: Uthai Sawan Sub-district Elderly School in Nong Bua Lamphu Province, Na Mueang Sub-district Municipality Elderly School in Roi Et Province, and Tabao Sub-district Elderly School in Surin Province.

The study results showed that the majority of the samples were female (85.3%) with more than one-third aged 70 years and above. Nearly all of them (92%) completed primary education and 68.7% worked as farmers. Their monthly incomes were below 1,000 baht (51%), and more than half relied on elderly pensions as their main source of income Regarding health, 54.55% of the participants had chronic diseases, such as hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, etc., but 41.6% had normal Body Mass Index (BMI). In terms of engagement, more than one-third had participated in elderly school activities for more than 3 years with most regularly attending such activities. In addition, the study found that the elderly had a moderate quality of life and good mental health. However, the assessment results of their physical fitness indicated that most had poor physical fitness. Nonetheless, it was found that the elderly, who attended the schools for 3 years had better quality of life and physical fitness compared to those with shorter attendance periods, with statistical significance at the .05 level.


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How to Cite

Runghairun, U. (2024). Elderly Schools: The Quality of Life and Physical Fitness of the Elderly in Northeast Thailand (A Case Study of Elderly Schools in Uthai Sawan Sub-district, Nong Bua Lamphu Province, Na Mueang Sub-district Municipality, Roi Et Province, and Tabao Sub-district, Surin Province.). Thammasat Journal, 43(1), 81–98. retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/tujo/article/view/272615


