Creation of Value and Service Development Through the Creative Skills of Hotel Employees


  • Charoenchai Agmapisarn National Institute of Development
  • Panuwat Somboonying National Institute of Development


service, creative skills, service employee, hotel business, adding value


As the accommodation business has begun to change during the COVID-19 outbreak, hotels have been directly affected. Due to the emergence of a wide range of accommodation choices, the hotel business needs to impress customers by encouraging creative skills amongst their staff. Employees need to develop service skills at the heart of the hotel business to create value. This research aims to study “Increasing service value” through the creative skills of hotel employees using a qualitative research methodology involving 21 hotel managers in Bangkok using a phenomenological approach. The study found that improving the service skills of hotel staff through creative skills can create a competitive advantage in business operations which will lead to a better level of service. Creative skills are classified as 1) skills to create a memorable experience for the customer 2) service mindset 3) professional skills and 4) language and communication skills. To respond to the needs of customers in new ways, creating a memorable experience for customers can raise value of service through employee training. In addition, the development of creative skills for hotel staff in a department can lead to having an efficient service. Also practicing in action can create efficiency during work and transfer creative service skills to employees, by sharing their experiences. This would provide good guidelines for preventing mistakes occurring in the future.


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