The Hindu Paradigm and the Buddhist Identity: A Case Study of the Absorption of Buddhist Identity in Bodhgaya


  • Sumalee Mahanarongchai Thammasat University


hindu paradigm, vaisnavism, saivism, bodhgaya, the absorption strategy


This research article studies the causes leading to the fall and the disappearance of Buddhism in India during the 3rd-12th century. The result shows that the persecution of monks and the demolition of Buddhist temples at that time were not the main and significant causes. Instead, the significant cause was the devaluation of Buddhist identity resulting from the operation of the Hindu paradigm which supported the caste system, theology, and hierarchical structure of ruling power. The endeavor to overcome tribal intruders from outside since the reign of Gupta had led to the construction of cultural unity in order to establish the identity of mainland residents and promote the ruler’s legitimate power over the land. The Hindu paradigm in its early stage used absorption strategies through methods such as appropriation, inclusion, replacement and persecution. These methods were closely associated with the rise of the Puraṇas and the cults of Vaiṣṇavism and Śaivism. Also, granted by kings and Brahmins, these methods had been exerted at Bodhgaya by both Buddhist and Hindu followers. However, Buddhist followers were not quite successful in applying these strategies and methods while Hindu followers were very successful in doing so.


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