The Interpretation of Dasakantha in Modern Thai Songs in year 1957-2017


  • Tubtim Saliang Kanchanaburi Rajabhat University


dasakantha, ramakien, modern Thai songs, interpretation


The objectives of this article were (1) to study how Dasakantha was mentioned in modern Thai songs from 1957 to 2017 and (2) to interpret music composers’ perspectives on Dasakantha. The findings revealed that the contents of the songs were divided into two periods : around the beginning of 1957-2002 and 2006-2017. The contents shared in both periods were the role of Dasakantha as depected in the literature, including the  idnapping of Sita and flirtation. The contents that appeared only in each period are the events that did not appear in the literature criticism of the character’s behavior in the period around the beginning of 1975-2002 was about deceitfulness. However, in 2006-2017, Dasakantha’s behaviors were characterized by faithfulness in love, dedication to love, and humility of being just a giant. The interpretation of the Dasakantha’s character around the beginning of 1957-2002 presented a much worse image than that portrayed in the literature. Meanwhile the interpretation of the character after 2006 was more understandable and sympathetic to his actions than before. The popularity of Dasakantha in modern Thai song for over half century showed that the relationship between people in society and Dasakantha was not just a literary reader or a music listener with a character in literature but people also had tactfully linked their own feelings with Dasakantha’s character.


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