An Assessment of Marginal Utility under Different Choices of Decision-Making: The Natural Experiment of Latex Producer in Trang Province
utility, latex, natural experiment, latex producer, Trang provinceAbstract
This study assessed the marginal utility of selling latex to different buyers by employing the natural experiment technique to establish a study framework and using an econometric model to estimate and measure the utility. Data was collected from 400 individuals and divided equally into two groups. The analysis procedure consisted of three parts:1) testing the experimental group property for intergroup bias. 2) summarizing the general properties of the collected data. 3) evaluating the marginal utility under different choices. The study framework showed that both groups were appropriate for this experiment, considering there was no intergroup bias. In addition, the estimated utility model demonstrated that age, years of schooling, cultivated areas, labor, income from production, and major purchasers significantly affect the utility model. Furthermore, the assessment of marginal utility revealed that selling to middlemen resulted in 320 THB per time per day higher than selling to latex cooperatives.
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