The Study of Generation Z Cadets’ Inspiration and Educational Journey


  • Samoekan Sophonhiranrak Thammasat University
  • Tida Tubpun Thammasat University


cadet, learning style, inspiration


The Armed Forces Academies Preparatory School is an option for youth who have a clear career goal of joining the military or police force in the future. Admission to the school is highly competitive, and prospective applicants spend years in preparing for the entrance exams. It is thus of interest to systematically investigate the thoughts, beliefs, and life plans of young people on this path. The current study aimed to examine the motivations and reasons of young people who make this choice, as well as their educational journeys before and after entering the preparatory school. Twelve military school cadets were interviewed by using semi-structured interviews, followed by thematic analysis of their interview transcripts. The findings indicated that the motivation to choose this educational path was influenced by various factors, such as close relationships, family members, and the values of the locality where they grew up. The belief that working for the government provides secure employment was important. The fact that the cadets had prepared for years by the time they reached the age when they could apply for the school reflects their determination. Moreover, many of them had a clear goal of joining a specific force (the police force, the air force, the navy, or the army) after graduating from the preparatory school.


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