High school student misconceptions about force and motion related to Newton’s laws of motion at Thammasat secondary school


  • Worasak Prarokijjak Thammasat University
  • Nattawat Watcharajittanont Thammasat University
  • Itsarapong Chuasontia Thammasat University


misconceptions, forces and Newton’s laws of motion, secondary school


This research explored and analyzed misconceptions about force and motion, based on Newton’s laws of motion; and compared the influence of gender, class level, career interest, science and mathematics scores at the junior high school level, and interest in physics on misconceptions about Newton’s laws of motion. The volunteer research population was 40 students enrolled during the 2020 academic year at Thammasat Secondary School, Pathum Thani. Data were gathered using a diagnostic test from the Force Concept Inventory (FCI) test and analyzed by percentage and mean, as well as using semi-structured interviews. The study revealed that students scored an average of 70.51% in the survey, with the most misconceptions about kinetics (42.50%) and the least about active forces (21.04%). In addition, class level and career interest affected misconceptions about Newton’s laws of motion. Mathayom Suksa 5 level students had fewer misconceptions than those in Mathayom Suksa 4, while students interested in science-related careers had the least misconceptions, with a median score of 8.00. Students interested in social science and science careers had a median score of 6.00, and those interested in social science careers had a median score of 4.00, with a 95% confidence level.


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How to Cite

Prarokijjak, W. ., Watcharajittanont , N. ., & Chuasontia, I. (2024). High school student misconceptions about force and motion related to Newton’s laws of motion at Thammasat secondary school. Thammasat Journal, 43(3), 19–40. retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/tujo/article/view/277648


