The influence of well-being at work and resilience on work performance of university staff after the COVID-19 pandemic
well-being at work, resilience, work performance, university staff, COVID-19Abstract
The purpose of this study was to analyze well-being at work, resilience, and work performance and to examine the influence of well-being at work and resilience on work performance among university staff after the COVID-19 pandemic. Simple random sampling was employed to collect data. A total of 105 university faculty staff participated in the study. A quantitative approach was applied using an online questionnaire investigating well-being at work (positive and negative affect), resilience, and work performance. The data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and path analysis. The results indicated that the staff rated positive affect, resilience, and work performance at a good level, but they rated negative affect at a slight level. The results revealed a good fit of the model with the empirical data (χ2 = 0.000 P = 1.000, GFI = 1.000, RMSEA =0.000). Moreover, the findings indicated that positive affect, negative affect, and resilience can directly predict work performance by 42%. Work performance was most directly influenced by positive affect, followed by negative affect and resilience, respectively. Additionally, it was found that work performance was indirectly influenced by positive affect and negative affect through resilience at the statistical levels of .001 and .05. respectively.
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