Effects of Group Psychology Counseling in Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy Program with Muscle Relaxation Techniques on Stress and Anxiety in Graduate Student
rational emotive behavior therapy with muscle relaxation techniques, stress, anxietyAbstract
The objectives of this research are to: 1) study the effects of group counseling psychology program based on Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) with Muscle Relaxation Techniques (MRT) on stress and anxiety levels among graduate students, 2) study the impact of counseling psychology knowledge on the stress and anxiety levels of graduate students, and 3) compare stress and anxiety levels between the experimental group and the comparison group of graduate students after the experiment.
The research sample consists of 16 graduate students, selected through purposive sampling, and divided into two groups, with 8 students in each. The experimental group received the group counseling psychology REBT with MRT for 8 sessions, while the comparison group received counseling psychology knowledge for 4 weeks. The research tools used in the study include Suanprung Stress Test-20 (SPST-20) and Thai Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (Thai-HADS).
The results revealed that: 1) stress and anxiety in the experimental group decreased with statistical significance (P < .01) after using the REBT with MRT program, 2) The stress in the comparison group decreased with statistical significance (P < .01), while anxiety showed no different change, and 3) stress and anxiety levels in the experimental group were significantly different from those in the comparison group (P < .01). These results suggest that the program can be effectively used for group counseling and psychological treatment in daily life, especially in various crisis situations.
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