Lessons Learned from Socio-Cultural Measure for Drought Risk Mitigation: A Case Study of Ontai Subdistrict Municipality, Chiangmai Province
drought, socio-cultural measure, lessons learned, project evaluationAbstract
This qualitative research aimed to analyze the lessons learned and evaluate the project of the continuance and conservation of Huai Lan watershed forestry to mitigate drought risks and impacts of On Tai subdistrict municipality, Chiangmai Province. Data were derived from focus groups, in-depth interviews, and questionnaires with 50 participants (using a selective sampling method), which included those from municipal administrators, project administrators, community leaders, and community members. Results were evaluated and analyzed through the application of CIPP (Context-Input-Process-Product evaluation model) model and revealed that the continuance and conservation of Huai Lan watershed forestry as a socio-cultural measure, played a vital role in mitigating drought risks for watershed forestry and water resources in On Tai subdistrict municipality. This study proposed guidelines to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the project through the following means: 1) managing the database and knowledge as a systematic process 2) monitoring and evaluating the entire process with a community-based participation plan 3) promoting public relations by using modern media and technology 4) supporting the role of new generation in driving socio-cultural activities in the community and 5) integrating local wisdom of Huai Lan watershed forestry conservation into the youth learning modules.
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