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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The article is original and not under any imprint and authorship obligation. In case plagiarism is found in any part of the manuscript, the article will be rejected.
  • The article is not being considered for publication in any journal or proceedings.
  • The authors listed have contributed to the research and writing of the article.
  • Any article written in English by a non-native speaker of English must be checked by a native speaker for its grammaticality before submission.
  • I agree to have my data collected and stored according to the privacy statement.
  • I would like to be notified of new publications and announcements.
  • I would like to be contacted with requests to review submissions to this journal.

Guidelines for the Author
The author is required to submit his/her manuscript via the journal submission system. 
The manuscript must conform to the following manuscript formatting requirements.

Manuscript Formatting Requirements
To accelerate the review process, you are advised to format the manuscript as follows:
     Paper size: A4 
     Margins: top, bottom, left, right = 2.5 cm (1 inch)
     Spacing: single
     Font: Cordia New, for both Thai and English
     Abstract: between 150-300 words
     Keywords: 3-5 keywords
     Figures and Tables
          1. Authors wishing to include figures, tables, or text passages that have already been published elsewhere are demanded to obtain permission from the copyright owner(s) and to include evidence that such permission has been granted when submitting their papers. Any material received without such evidence will be assumed to originate from the authors
          2. Figures and other infographics as high resolution as possible, for good quality of reproduction in both the online and print versions
          3. Tables set to be editable
     Footnotes: used only to add useful information, not for references
     In-text citations and references: every in-text citation must also be listed in the references (and vice versa), and must be translated to English
          1. An in-text citation shall contain the author(s)’s surname, year of publication, and page number(s).  For example, an in-text citation for the author whose name is Jane Austen shall read:

            Austen (1813, pp. 17-18) stated that … ;

            Or: It was observed that … (Austen, 1813).

            Note: p. refers to a single page; pp. refers to two or more pages, whether consecutive or separated

          2. In-text citations and references for works written in languages other than English and Thai must be translated into the language in which the manuscript is written.
          3. The references section must be at the end of the manuscript, and all the entries must be alphabetically listed.
Cited in text and References: languages must be translated to English

Example of the translation of a reference:

Original reference

พลวัฒ ประพัฒน์ทอง. (2556) การทำนายชีวิตด้วยกระดูกไก่ของกลุ่มชาติพันธุ์ต่าง ๆ ในจังหวัดเชียงราย, MFU Connexion: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 1-24.

Translated reference

Prapattong, P. (2013) Chicken bone divination among various ethnic groups in Chiang Rai (การทำนายชีวิตด้วยกระดูกไก่ของกลุ่มชาติพันธุ์ต่าง ๆ ในจังหวัดเชียงราย), MFU Connexion: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 1-24.   (in Thai)

The length of the submission should not exceed 20 pages, including footnotes, references and appendix

Manuscript Template (in Thai)
Manuscript Template (in English)

Reference format
: Harvard Styles Download Harvard Referencing System – Guide and Examples

Publication Fee
The journal has a publication fee of 2,500 Baht, which will be collected only when the article is accepted for publication.

Publication Procedure

Screening Process
The editor-in-chief, who is either an invited editor or selected from the editorial board, decides whether a submitted manuscript is acceptable for reviewing.  Three main criteria are used for manuscript screening:
     1. The content of manuscript is in line with the aims and scope of CONNEXION Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences.
     2. The manuscript must contain no plagiarism.
     3. The manuscript must be written with strong academic merit, presenting original contents consisting of clear objectives, approach and methodology, analysis, conclusion, and references.
     4. A manuscript written in English must be submitted together with proof of language check as required by the editors’ screening criteria.

The editor-in-chief’s screening decision can be: (1) Rejected; (2) Revise and resubmit; or (3) Accepted for review.

Peer Review Process
The manuscripts that have passed the screening process and accepted for review will be forwarded to a double blind three-peer reviewer process. The selected reviewers, whose specialisations, disciplines, or areas of research are relevant to the subject of the manuscript, shall evaluate the manuscript in accord with the following evaluation criteria.

  1. Research article
    -  The article has an appropriate title.
    -  The abstract accurately reflects the content.
    -  The objectives, or theses, and the significance are clearly stated.
    -  The literature is clearly and adequately reviewed.
    -  The research methodology is sound and appropriate.
    -  The findings are clearly presented, with necessary tables, figures, and illustrations.
    -  The primary thesis is effectively argued.
    -  The analysis and conclusions are accurate and supported by the data/contents presented.
    -  The article pertains to a matter of interest, is up-to-date, and is written in clear, concise, and appropriate language.
  1. Academic article
    -  The abstract accurately reflects the content.
    -  The background and significance of the proposed issue and/or concept are well presented.
    -  The literature is clearly and adequately reviewed.
    -  Sufficient details are presented to support the proposed issue and concept.
    -  The contents are accurate, complete, and relevant, and are organised in a logical sequence.
    -  The article contains proper in-text citations and references.
    -  The study is up-to-date, offers significant contribution to the relevant field, and is written in clear, concise, and appropriate language.

Acceptance or Rejection
After considering the reviewers’ comments, the editor-in-chief may make any of the following decisions:
      1. Rejecting the manuscript;
      2. Requiring that the manuscript be rewritten and resubmitted;
      3. Accepting the manuscript on the condition that the author revises it according to reviewers’ suggestions; or
      4. Accepting the manuscript without revision required.

In the case that the reviewers’ evaluation results are contradictory, the editor-in-chief may consider appointing two additional reviewers to review the manuscript.

Upon receiving the feedback from the editorial board, the author must revise the manuscript according to the reviewers’ comments and submit the revised version, with full explanation, within two weeks.

  1. Consideration of the revised manuscript
    The editor-in-chief considers the revised manuscript and the author’s explanation and may recommend additional revision, if necessary.  If the manuscript is satisfactory, the editor-in-chief shall notify the author of the acceptance and subject the manuscript to the next process.
  1. Transfer of copyright ownership
    The author must agree that the copyright of the article is transferred to the publisher once the article is accepted for publication.  To confirm the transfer of copyright ownership, the author shall sign the ‘Agreement to Authorise Publication of Copyrighted Work’ form and submit.