Partial Least Square Path Modeling Development of Adaptation Marketing Strategy for Value Perception of Thai Cuisine Originality (in Thai)

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Wilawan Onwangprem
Siwarat Kobayashi
Prin Laksitamas


The research was aimed at studying (1) causal relationship between general information involved with Thai original cuisine and adaptation of marketing strategy for value perception on Thai original cuisine and (2) partial least square path modeling development of adaptation marketing strategy for value perception of Thai original cuisine. The questionnaires were constructed as a research tool for collecting data from 552 Thai original cuisine restaurants. The statistics used for analysis were frequency distribution, percentage, mean, skewness, kurtosis and structural equation modeling: SEM.

The research findings indicated that the developed partial least square path modeling of adaptation marketing strategy for value perception of Thai original cuisine was created consistently and fit with empirical data and had ability to predict at good and acceptable level at 43.6%, which its acceptance was more than 40%. The causal relationship showed that fundamental information about Thai original cuisine restaurants were correlated with both adaptation marketing strategy of Thai original cuisine restaurants except number of employees and value perception of Thai original cuisine. Furthermore, adaptation marketing strategy of Thai original cuisine restaurants was correlated with value perception of Thai original cuisine.

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How to Cite
Onwangprem, W. ., Kobayashi, S. ., & Laksitamas, P. . (2019). Partial Least Square Path Modeling Development of Adaptation Marketing Strategy for Value Perception of Thai Cuisine Originality (in Thai). Connexion: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 8(1), 1–32. retrieved from
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