Contesting of Women’s Knowledge Space in Ethnic Tourist Space and Border Town: A Case Study of Female Entrepreneurs in Pang Ma Pha District, Mae Hong Son Province

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Paiboon Hengsuwan


Researches on women’s straggle and negotiation in the borderlands, which are nation-state border and ethnic boundary, are limited, as well as importance in contesting of women’s Knowledge space in the context of tourism in the borderlands. This research has 3 objectives; to study the context of homestay tourism of Pang Ma Pha District, Mae Hong Son Province, to study Lahu women’s roles in homestay tourism space, and to study patterns of Lahu women’s Knowledge space contestation in homestay tourism space. The study chooses one community in Pang Ma Pha District, Mae Hong Son Province, as a case study. The research suggests a new knowledge space which challenges the myth or old belief in which tourism is appropriation of existing common property for individual benefit. The new way of looking is that entrepreneurship is not just to be seen as appropriating common property for one’s own benefit, but new dimensions are added in, such as spiritual, and emotional and feeling, in order to create a new meaning of communal space as economic and cultural values.

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How to Cite
Hengsuwan, P. . (2019). Contesting of Women’s Knowledge Space in Ethnic Tourist Space and Border Town: A Case Study of Female Entrepreneurs in Pang Ma Pha District, Mae Hong Son Province. Connexion: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 8(1), 120–156. retrieved from
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