Legal Measures to Resolve the Loan Shark Problems: A Comparative Study between Thailand, Republic of the Union of Myanmar and Lao People’s Democratic Republic (in Thai)

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Krisda Eiamlamai


Thai governments have tried for over a decade to resolve informal debt by measures such as the registered informal debt, Pico finance credit Program, and so on, but still cannot eliminate the loan sharks issued or debt reduction from the Society of Thailand. Because the informal debt was evolution itself or changed in complex formats such as the pawn car registration business, time sharing. According to a study by documentary research and comparative legal research methodology. It found that informal debt issues of Republic of the Union of Myanmar and the Lao People’s Democratic Republic have caused format of contract debts would also often be associated or correlated with the illegal business such as gambling, illegal immigration. The debt problem has not developed or sophisticated as in Thailand. Besides, civil law still does not have the interest rates provisions of the Redeemer in the consignment contract. From a solution system in the country in debt that Thailand has continuously. It found that revised Civil Law and enforcement very seriously, including the economic control measures, the result possibly reduced unconventional debt. If the Republic of the Union of Myanmar and the Lao People’s Democratic Republic has a problem with informal debt in the future may take measures to resolve the external debt of the country, there are ways to include amending the Civil and Commercial concerning contracts. Enact legislation of usury law to ban excessive interest rates, establish the specialized agencies carried out by official to conquering loan sharks seriously for the regulated business operations, covert or hidden exploits the debtor unduly.

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How to Cite
Eiamlamai, K. . (2019). Legal Measures to Resolve the Loan Shark Problems: A Comparative Study between Thailand, Republic of the Union of Myanmar and Lao People’s Democratic Republic (in Thai). Connexion: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 8(1), 185–228. retrieved from
Research article


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