Self-regulation Failure and Its Relations with Compensatory Beliefs

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Sittichai Thongworn


Failure to control and regulate behaviors is an important issue in psychology that affects people's behavior in various dimensions. This academic article aims to review concept of self-regulation failure and propose the compensatory beliefs, as one of the reasoning processes. In addition, this paper also analyzes the association between self-regulation failure and compensatory beliefs. Online databases had been analyzed by specifying the period of publication in 1990 to 2017 and selected only the full text of articles that have been published in accepted academic journals. The conceptualization of self-regulation failure through compensatory belief model provides useful information about individual’s cognitive reasoning processes and evaluations which related to health behaviors. An understanding of these processes can be applied to promote healthy behaviors or certain psychotherapeutic interventions which may improve therapeutic process.

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How to Cite
Thongworn, S. . (2019). Self-regulation Failure and Its Relations with Compensatory Beliefs. Connexion: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 8(1), 229–257. Retrieved from
Academic article


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