Risk and Potentiality in Business Performance Affecting Customer Relationship Marketing of Waste Recycle Market in Eastern Industrial Park (in Thai)

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Thananan Mazeedi
Prin Laksitamas
Sarayut Lekplipol
Chaiyapol Horrungruang


The objectives of this study are to study (1) the level of risk management and ability of business performance affects customer relationship marketing of entrepreneurs in waste recycle market and (2) test the casual relationship of risk management and ability of business performance affects customer relationship marketing among entrepreneurs in waste recycle market. A questionnaire was employed as the research instrument to collect data from the research sample consisting of waste recycle entrepreneurs in eastern industrial park. The research data were analyzed with the structural equation model. The research findings found that waste recycle market entrepreneurs managed risk on business performance at high level, business function at high level and customer relationship marketing in waste recycle market at high level as well. The causal relationship Model was created which was consistent with empirical data and had the ability to predict at good level with square multiple correlation (R2) of 0.603 or 60.3 percent. The casual relationship at statistical significance of 0.05 showed that risk management were direct effect to ability of business performance and indirect effect to customer relationship management in waste recycle market. Furthermore, ability of business performance was direct effect to customer relationship management in waste recycling market.

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How to Cite
Mazeedi, T. ., Laksitamas, P. ., Lekplipol, S. ., & Horrungruang, C. . (2018). Risk and Potentiality in Business Performance Affecting Customer Relationship Marketing of Waste Recycle Market in Eastern Industrial Park (in Thai). Connexion: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(2), 17–47. retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/MFUconnexion/article/view/241197
Research article


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