Legal Measure on the Protection of Right’s Online Game Users (in Thai)

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ภรัณยู แกล้วกล้า
รุ่ง ศรีสมวงษ์


This research aimed to study the law of consumer protection who are the online game users. In case of the method of providing online game services. This study about the law which be able to apply for an information about online games, analysis the advertising problem in case of convincing people to approach services, and analysis about consumer protection whereas using the automated system. And analysis about the entreprenuer who uses unfair covenants pervasively for their services, solve the problem and remedy the online game users in order to get processes, the method of improvement.

The findings revealed that there is no any specific legislation which can apply for protection of online games users in Thailand. However the laws above are not sufficient for completely protection. Since the consumers are in the lower social status and usually are the group of people who were downtrodden by entrepreneur. Furthermore, the problem about advertising content which composes of unreal content and unable to prove the truth or unable to understand in essences. In some cases, to sign the form contract which relates to information services assigns unjustified content or conceals the situation which unable to understand and powerless to negotiate with entrepreneur. More than that, some uses the agreement disclaim and conceal the situation which force consumers to be adverse. Beyond, there is no verification for describing the status of consumers in order to assess if they have enough abilities to get services from entrepreneur by their own or not. Moreover, the rights of both online games users and entrepreneurs are not charged by any institution or organization. Consequently, it should assign the online game services to be controlled by Direct Sales and Direct Marketing Act. 2545 B.E. which composes of the processes about writing evidence for consumers in using as basis and including the processes about termination.

Therefore, should fill the gap or help consumers from being further exploited. Ultimately, the law has yet to make a balance between promoting economic development and the protection of consumers along the way.

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How to Cite
แกล้วกล้า ภ. ., & ศรีสมวงษ์ ร. . (2017). Legal Measure on the Protection of Right’s Online Game Users (in Thai). Connexion: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(1), 1–19. Retrieved from
Research article


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