Appropriate Proposed Model in Municipal Solid Waste Management at Nongkhwai Municipality, Hang Dong District, Chiang Mai Province (in Thai)
Main Article Content
The objectives of this research were to analyze solid waste management in Nongkhwai Municipality, Chiang Mai province in aspects of community perception and participation in garbage administration and management. It is also to propose an appropriate and practical model in municipal solid waste management at Nongkhwai Municipality. The research was document research and field study focused on observing, interviewing and questionnaires. The collecting data from samples derived from 380 households. It was found that the community solid waste management in Nongkhwai Municipality under the operation of The Community Garbage Management Funds is still facing problems of having a large and an increasing amount of garbage. This causes Nongkhwai Municipality having a continuously high expenditure burden on garbage collection and disposal. The perception of the population samples toward the rubbish and garbage situation of Nongkhwai community was at the moderate level while the household participation in garbage disposal was considered at the high level. In term of the appropriate choices of waste management models in Nongkhwai community, according to the opinion of the study, the garbage administration and management should be under the cooperative of Nongkhwai Municipality and The Community Garbage Funds. Furthermore Nongkhwai Municipality should organize and order of garbage disposal among migrant workers, direct and control of garbage disposal in dormitories, renting rooms and apartments. Moreover, there should be some campaign on reducing of plastic bags uses, some pilot area implementation and punishment mechanism.
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