Factors Contributing to Success, Problems, Obstacles and Limitations in Public Health Policy Driven of the National Health Commission Office of Thailand (in Thai)
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This research aims to analyze success factors, problems, obstacles and limitations of operation in public health policy driven of the National Health Commission Office of Thailand. Using qualitative research and collecting data from related documents and in-depth interviews. The group consists of key data is National Health Board, The Executive Board of the National Health Council, Executive Office of the National Health or representative. The result is divided into four major sections: (1) impede the operations resulted in operating results did not meet planned for National Health Commission Office. It can be classified into two major groups, including barriers within the organization and barriers outside the organization (2) factors that contribute to success in the implementation of the commission can be divided into 12 main ideas (3) suggestions to improve operations of the commission can be divided into 6 main ideas.
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