Knowledge Management for Ensuring Land Security and Reducing Environment-distroying Behavior of People in Community: A Case Study in Mae Tha Sub-district, Mae On District, Chiang Mai Province (in Thai)
Main Article Content
The objectives of this research were (1) to study the development of land holding in the community. (2) to study role and policy of Mae Tha Sub-district Administrative Organization on land security in an aspect of holding land for making an living and (3) to investigate community knowledge and its influences on land holding security and on reducing environmental destructive behavioral in the community of Mae Tha Sub-district, Mae On District , Chiang Mai Province. Quantitative and qualitative methods were utilized in this study. Data were obtained by using questionnaires distributed into 300 households in Mae Tha Sub-district., interviewing 60 people comprising of local government officers, community leaders and local scholars, and collecting data from historical documents and related ones. Content analysis was used for qualitative data, whereas the descriptive statistics was used for quantitative data analysis. The study found that the community utilized most of the plain lands for people’s residents and for their rice fields while high lands were used for plantation. The government had a policy of encouraging and supporting the community doing farming for money which leading to the dispute over the problems of farmer-land invasion and farmer land holding illegally. It was demanded to have a process for the solution of the dispute by cooperative from all parties concerned in the community including the local government agencies. By doing this it would be recognized and accepted by all people concerned which will be helpful for solving the problems and establishing a plan for land uses management. It was also affect the environmental behavioral concerns of the community by introducing live and district planning integrated with the community wisdom and knowledge in order to be able to manage and make use of limited natural resources in a sustainable way.
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