Fundamental of Legal Issues Concerning Sale with of Redemption: A Comparative Study of the Kingdom of Thailand and Lao People’s Democratic Republic (in Thai)
Main Article Content
The objective of this article was to study the legal issues concerning sale with of redemption under Law on Contract and Tort 2008 of Lao People’s democratic Republic (Lao PDR) with comparative study of Civil and Commercial Code of Kingdom of Thailand to analyze and conclude as the recommendation to amend the certain laws, improving justification and clarity to serve the society by researching documents related to laws both Thai and foreign languages in order to find conclusive analysis on the certain matter.
From the result of study on legal issues of Law on Contract and Tort 2008 of Lao PDR in case of sale with of redemption have found that: Law on Contract and Tort 2008 does not provide the contract of sale with of redemption is a sale contract as ownership of property transfer to the buyer, and does not provide the part of property for sale as specific. On the other hand in that Law has provided not clear about price of redemption and rights of buyer, seller and redeemer etc. Thus has effect on making sale with of redemption in Lao PDR is disqualify and not clear as well as proceeding in court. Moreover it is the important obstacles of owner finding out not fully interest from property and that made in Lao people not refer to making sale with of redemption contract. Hence, to comparative study on sale with of redemption under civil and commercial code of Thailand for the good legal measures to conclude with amend Law on Contract and Tort 2008 of Lao PDR for more qualify and clearly.
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