The Problems of Law Interpretation under ASEAN Instruments and ASEAN Legal Instruments

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Nattapat Limsiritong


The objective of this work is to answer the questions that “What are the problems of law interpretation under ASEAN Instruments and ASEAN Legal Instruments?, “Why doesn’t the law interpretation of ASEAN Instruments and ASEAN Legal Instruments now work?” and “How to solve its problem and improve the law interpretation of ASEAN Instruments and ASEAN Legal Instruments?” by comparative and qualitative study of the interpretation of legal instruments between ASEAN and European Union (EU).  A result of this work found that there are three problems of the law interpretation under ASEAN Instruments and ASEAN Legal Instruments to consider as; (1) Confusion of definition between ASEAN Instruments and ASEAN Legal Instruments, (2) No one is in-charge to interpret ASEAN Instruments and ASEAN Legal Instruments, and (3) Lacking of Rule of interpretation for ASEAN Instruments and ASEAN Legal Instruments.  All of these problems also makes the law interpretation under ASEAN Instruments and ASEAN Legal Instrument are non-effective and non-reliable enough to serve ASEAN.  Finally in order to solve this problem, ASEAN urgently needs to (1) enact the Rules of Interpretation of ASEAN Instrument and ASEAN Legal Instruments and, (2) establish a legally supported institution to in-charge on law interpretation for ASEAN Instruments and ASEAN Legal Instruments.

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How to Cite
Limsiritong, N. . (2016). The Problems of Law Interpretation under ASEAN Instruments and ASEAN Legal Instruments. Connexion: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 5(2), 136–155. retrieved from
Research article


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