Administration Model to Help Deaf Student Preparing a Career in the Future (in Thai)
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The purposes of this research were to study the problems of the models school administrators use to prepare students who are deaf for future careers. The samples of this research involved experts, school directors and teachers. Document analysis, in-depth interviews, observations and focus groups were used to collect data. Analysis of the data used SWOT analysis, frequency, percentage and standard deviation.
Findings of this research showed that evidence of laws and policies regarding future career specifically for students who are deaf in school administration. Special Education Bureau implements policy to support students who are deaf to get jobs to be able to live in society. We also found that in overseas there are policies in career education for all students that correspond with individual potentials.
The problems identified about school administration were lack of clarity between policy and practical application in terms of academic administration, budgeting, general and personnel management, which limit continuity and achievement in school administrations.
This is inconsistent with the model of school administration for students who are deaf about future career which is to give precedence to P: Participation, P: Policy specific, E: Empowerment, A: Academic, A: Autonomy, C: Culture and E: Ethics.
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