Language Learning Problems and Language Learning Strategies of MFU Students

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Hathaikan Iamla-ong


English is a medium of instruction in many institutes including Mae Fah Luang University (MFU), Thailand. This study aimed to investigate the English language learning problems (LLP) and language learning strategies (LLS) used by the 396 MFU students. The data were collected using questionnaires based on the six common problems (Rubin & Thompson, 1994) and the SILL questionnaire (Oxford, 1990) for language learning strategies usage. The fewest problems were found in listening, reading, international communication, speaking, sociocultural, and writing respectively. All LLS were used at a medium level. However, the most frequently used strategies were metacognitive, social, compensation, cognitive, memory, and affective respectively. It could be inferred that MFU students had less difficulties as the passive learners, and more problems activating or expressing their opinions in an academic way. Besides, this research shows that keep using English language as a medium of instruction can reduce the language learning problems significantly.

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How to Cite
Iamla-ong, H. (2014). Language Learning Problems and Language Learning Strategies of MFU Students. Connexion: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(1), 54–86. retrieved from
Research article


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