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พีรพัฒน์ ยางกลาง


This paper discusses the fundamental conceptualization of second language acquisition under Generative perspective. Linguists under Generative Approach claim that second language acquisition is constrained by Universal Grammar (UG) because L2 learners, like L1 acquirers, also face with ‘the poverty of stimulus’. In addition, they also claim that it is possible for L2 learners to transfer their L1 properties such as phonetics, syntax, and semantics, into their L2 acquisition because they have their L1 knowledge when commencing L2 acquisition. Nevertheless, there are disagreements on the degree of access to UG and the degree of L1 transfer. Such disagreements lead to three different hypotheses: Direct Access, Indirect Access, and No Access.

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ยางกลาง พ. (2013). ปริทัศน์การรับภาษาที่สองกับไวยากรณ์สากลลักษณ์. Connexion: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(1), 104–126. retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/MFUconnexion/article/view/241426
Research article


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