Information Technology, Innovation and Value Creation as Business Competency in Thai SMEs

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Phoommhiphat Mingmalairaks
Konrad Peszynski
Suthep Nimsai


This study reports on the application of information technology and innovation that has created value through core competency enhancement in Thai medium sized companies looking at companies in Para Wood industry. The overall research is to investigate the technological, organizational and environmental factors that contribute to the perceptions of successful implementation of innovation management in Thai medium sized companies. This study uses a qualitative approach and the face-to-face interview method as it allows the researcher to explore in-depth perceptions, ideas and contributions of the interviewees. This study will be helpful for Thai medium sized companies to strengthen themselves and enhance value creation from within their organization. This study also provides a better understanding in identifying the performance of Thai medium sized companies in relation to technological, organisational, and environmental factors; and the impact of these factors on innovation and performance in improving business success.  This paper reports on some initial findings.

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Mingmalairaks, P., Peszynski, K., & Nimsai, S. (2013). Information Technology, Innovation and Value Creation as Business Competency in Thai SMEs. Connexion: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(2), 35–65. retrieved from
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