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สุรีรัตน์ ศรีทะแก้ว
สุเทพ นิ่มสาย


The aims of this research are to understand the supply chain system of fresh fruits product for creating business opportunity, business challenge, and the international agreements between governments on policy measures that affect to export market of fresh fruits product, this study focuses on Thai durian. The researchers conducted in-depth interviews and the samplings of study are farmers, exporters, consumer, government and people who are involved in fresh fruits supply chain. The purposive sampling was supplied to this study to sampling samples group. The semi-structured questions were used in the interview and observe. This study was applied supply chain analysis to gain more information and understand the exports supply chain of fresh fruits product in Myanmar market and used to answer questions of study. The Value Chain Analysis, Diamond Model, and SWOT Analysis was provided the strange, weakness, and business challenge of Thai business. The finding of this research reveals that logistics management and supply chain monument in public sector and private sector and organizations that involved in fresh fruits supply chain. However, business opportunities were happened from consumer side because customers in Myanmar market mostly are Chinese. Chinese consumer behavior mostly consumes durian from Thailand, which resulted to export market tend to increase especially after the AEC Opening results to market expansion. Thai businesses should have more opportunity but also needs support from government to reduce risks, trade barriers from the international trade agreements. Therefore, Thai durian exports have high opportunity in order to compete with the international market.

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How to Cite
ศรีทะแก้ว ส., & นิ่มสาย ส. (2013). โอกาสทางธุรกิจและแนวทางการเพิ่มประสิทธิภาพการจัดการโซ่อุปทานผลไม้สดของไทยเพื่อการส่งออกสู่ตลาดสหภาพเมียนมาร์. Connexion: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(2), 66–98. retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/MFUconnexion/article/view/241429
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