Agriculture and Food: Old Problem in the New Research and Development Agendas

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Buapun Promphakping
Mukda Wongon


Development is in practice encompass the structural transformation, from agricultural base to industrial base. Experience of developing countries around the globe has been increasingly challenging and denying the premise of classical theories. These theories predicted that the transformation will be eventually evaded the role of traditional agriculture. This paper presents the reviews on concepts of agriculture and foods, i.e. food security, food regime and food sovereignty, and agricultural transformation of Thailand. Based on the reviews, this paper argues that Thailand has arrived the crossroad, one is to continue with the prediction of classic theories that agriculture to be profoundly industrialized, and another is the alternatives other than the prediction conventional theories. This paper proposes that to bring agriculture and food into a new research and development agendas needs to link to urban development. It also requires the shift of approach, from discipline specialization to integrated and trans-disciplinary.

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How to Cite
Promphakping, B., & Wongon, M. (2020). Agriculture and Food: Old Problem in the New Research and Development Agendas. Connexion: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 9(1), 1–18. retrieved from
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