Comparative Assessment of Health Cost and Costs and Returns among Chemical versus Organic Rice Cultivation Methods in Phayao Province

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Ke Nunthasen
Waraporn Nunthasen


This research aims to analyze the socio-economic data and to analyze the comparative assessment of health cost as well as to investigate the comparation of costs and returns among chemical and organic rice cultivation in Phayao province.Two hundred farmers each involved in chemical and organic rice farming were selected by systematic random sampling for the study.Data were collected through survey method using semi-structured questionnaire.The results of socio-economic sector find that these two groups of respondents have the similar socio-economic data.Most of them are old men, primary school educational level and their main income are from their paddy fields as well as they have 21-40 years of rice farming experience.The comparative assessment of health cost, causing working on their fields, the ratio of chemical farmers to organic farmers is 8:1.The majority health cost is fungus illness which spent 280 Baht and 14 days to cure.In case of costs and returns find that chemical cultivation method pays higher total cost than organic cultivation method.In case of average cost, chemical and organic rice farming equal 4,080.25 and 2,536.05 Baht/Rai, respectively.The average revenue of organic cultivation is 4,080.25 Baht/Rai and chemical cultivation is 1,898.15 Baht/Rai.Therefore, policy makers may promote organic farming to farmers in case of farmers’better health.

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How to Cite
Nunthasen, K., & Nunthasen, W. (2020). Comparative Assessment of Health Cost and Costs and Returns among Chemical versus Organic Rice Cultivation Methods in Phayao Province. Connexion: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 9(1), 19–37. retrieved from
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