Factor Analysis of Community’s Participation on Destination Management a Case Study of Bangphli Floating Market, Bangphi District, Samutprakarn Province

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Saranyaa Niemchai
Prasopchai Pasunon


This research aim to explore the important factors of the citizen’s participation to Community-Based Tourism tourism in Bangphli Floating Market, Bangphi District, Samutprakarn Province. Systematic Sampling was used and 400 participants were selected. Exploratory factor analysis was administered.

The result indicated that the exploratory factor analysis identified six factors consist of Managing and Planning in the attractions (Eigen value = 11.09), Managing problem and development quality of life in the attractions (Eigen value = 5.44), Organizing events and creating image for attractions (Eigen value = 3.08), Gaining interest from the attractions (Eigen value = 1.60), Developing and conservating the attractions (Eigen value = 1.14) and Supporting the attraction (Eigen value = 1.05) Cumulative variance can by described as 66.87. The results also shows the factor that is important for the participation of the community to tourism arranged by the community that governmental faculties, private faculties, community leader and community members have regarded and apply the elements to the tourism strategy and can also direct and develop Community Based Tourism.

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How to Cite
Niemchai, S., & Pasunon, P. (2020). Factor Analysis of Community’s Participation on Destination Management a Case Study of Bangphli Floating Market, Bangphi District, Samutprakarn Province. Connexion: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 9(1), 95–108. retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/MFUconnexion/article/view/243905
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