Waste Management Guidelines for Airport
Main Article Content
The objectives of the study of waste management guidelines at airports were to (1) explore the waste management from international organizations and (2) to propose guidelines for the airport waste management. This study was a qualitative research The data were collected from document related to the waste management practices of international airports including the International Civil Aviation Organization, the Federal Aviation Administration, the United States Environmental Protection Agency as well as from in-depth interviews with key informants who are qualified as inspectors of airport environment, airport administrators, airport waste management administers and aviation and environmental experts. The research was conducted by semi-structured interviews, and the data were analyzed in the form of a chart before concluding the result. 1) there are seven main issues to be focused regarding the airport waste management of international organizations namely (1) categorization of waste at airports (2) sources of airport waste (3) waste management principles (4) waste management guidelines (5) Implementation of waste management programs (6) waste recycle and (7) Residual waste. and 2) The waste management guidelines at airports are consisted of 3 steps: (1) inspection of sources and classification of airport waste (2) the waste management principles called “Waste Hierarchy” and (3) monitoring and evaluating airport waste management.
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