The Potential of “We Travel Together” Project: From the Perspective of Thai Tourists and Tourism Business Operators in Chiang Rai Province

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Popkarn Arwatchanakarn
Sajenate Roungkun
Supathida Hassdin


This study has investigated the importance of the “We Travel Together” project on tourism sector. This study emphasizes the factors that affect tourists and business operators’ decision to participate in the project and analyzes the potential of “We Travel Together” project. To achieve this, this study is divided into 3 parts with the period from 31 October 2020 to 15 May 2021. The first part aims to study the tourists’ behavior toward the “We Travel Together” project by using online questionnaires in total of 475 tourists. The second part is an investigation of the business perspectives toward the “We Travel Together” project with in-depth interviews from 15 business operators related to tourism in Chiang Rai province. The third part employs the SWOT Analysis to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the project. 

The results show that the “We Travel Together” project has potential measure to stimulate domestic tourism as well as overall economy. From the point of tourist view, the main reasons for joining the project are (1) amounts of privilege and funding and (2) the attractiveness of accommodations, restaurants and tourism sites. From the view of business operators related to tourism, it is found that “We Travel Together” project is an aid measure that assists to stimulate sales, increase revenue or enhance liquidity for businesses. However, both tourists and business operators experience some critical problems including (1) conditions and procedures for joining the project; (2) the use of mobile application. Also, both groups reveal that the conditions, procedures and use of the “We Travel Together” project still exists complex, complicated and troublesome. In addition, the mobile applications, such as “Pao Tang” and “Thung Ngern”, have some troubles in use especially when there is a large amount of users at the same time.

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How to Cite
Arwatchanakarn, P., Roungkun, S. ., & Hassdin, S. (2021). The Potential of “We Travel Together” Project: From the Perspective of Thai Tourists and Tourism Business Operators in Chiang Rai Province. Connexion: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 10(1), 75–90. Retrieved from
Research article


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