Identification of Revisit Intention for Long-stay Tourism in Thailand: An Instagram Survey on Resort Towns in Thailand during COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis

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Tanapum Pattarasukserm
Apichart Intravisit


This study aims to investigate international tourists’ revisit intention for a long-stay at Thailand’s four famous resort towns. Variables include: cost of living, medical infrastructure, perceived image of Thai people and their help, destination image, perceived norm of same community, tourists’ satisfaction, rejuvenation plan, length of stay and tourists’ motivation. Employing non-probability purposive and convenience sampling with 203 respondents of long stay international tourists who visited Hua-Hin, Krabi, Pattaya, or Phuket Thailand more than once. Questionnaire distribution was conducted via the respondents’ Instagram accounts of which recent hashtags (#), about 2 to 3 years past, relate to the locations, pin point location and activities under this study. Descriptive and inferential analyses, Pearson’s correlation, Simple Linear Regression and Multiple Linear Regression are used to compute the hypotheses testing. With skewness and kurtosis methods, the variable of rejuvenation plan was removed. The results of research show that, perceived image from people and their help (.659), destination image environment (.214), perceived norm of same community (.413) form the factors that create the repeat-visitors’ satisfaction (.506) and linkage to motivation (.369) for their repeated visit for a long stay.

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How to Cite
Pattarasukserm, T., & Intravisit, A. (2022). Identification of Revisit Intention for Long-stay Tourism in Thailand: An Instagram Survey on Resort Towns in Thailand during COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis. Connexion: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 11(1), Article ID: 256930. retrieved from
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