A Study on Factors Influencing Digital Natives to Venture to Online Business

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Supichaya Meesad
Ingyin Hmwe
Araya Nakloung


Online business has been one of the fast-growing businesses in this era. However, not everyone understands the process of using the online network to improve their businesses. Many online business owners in this period are digital natives. They are comfortable in the digital age because they grew up using technology. The main purposes of this study were to determine the factors influencing digital natives to venture to online business, strategies they use in doing online business, and risks of doing online business from the digital natives’ point of view. The quantitative research was conducted using a questionnaire survey to collect data from 100 participants. Data analysis of this study includes percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The study results have shown that the main factors influencing the digital natives to venture into online business included smartphones, social media, and advanced technology. The strategies used in doing online business included attractive promotion, influencers on the Instagram platform, beautiful pictures, and positive words of mouth. Moreover, the study also provided digital natives with information regarding the risks in doing online business. For example, technology sometimes costs more money to invest, technology could be hacked easily, unstable economics and politics, exchange rate unstable, and unreliable delivery.

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How to Cite
Meesad, S., Hmwe, I., & Nakloung, A. (2022). A Study on Factors Influencing Digital Natives to Venture to Online Business. Connexion: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 11(2), Article ID: 260007. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/MFUconnexion/article/view/260007
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