The Influencing Resources of Innovation Development Toward Competence-based Organizational Innovation: A Case Study of Tourist Accommodation Business in Thailand

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Tarittawan Chareanporn
Chanin Yoopetch


This study aims to study the determinants influencing the development of competence-based organizational innovation within the tourist accommodation sector in Thailand, taking into account both tangible and intangible assets. Employing a qualitative approach inherent to the social sciences, the study elucidates the conceptualization of resources as pivotal factors in instigating competence-based organizational innovation. The research methodology incorporates documentation analysis, semi-structured interviews, and participant observation, facilitating data collection and subsequent content analysis. The research cohort comprises twenty key informants, including business proprietors, general managers, and management-level personnel affiliated with Thailand's tourist accommodation management entities. These stakeholders actively contribute valuable insights into strategies and policies governing competence-based organizational innovation. The selected vital informants represent diverse accommodation enterprises in prominent tourist hubs like Chiangmai, Bangkok, Pattaya, and Phuket. This assortment includes dependent entities franchised under hotel chains and independent establishments, graded between 3 to 5 stars based on service tiers.

The study identifies two overarching categories of resources influencing competence-based organizational innovation in the tourist accommodation sector: tangible and intangible resources. Tangible resources encompass financial and physical assets, with financial components encompassing annual budget allocations, house floats, petty cash, and monetary credit. Physical resources include facilities, amenities, property structures, business locations, and networking with business partners. Furthermore, intangible resources are delineated into human, organizational, technological, regional, and intangible assets. Human resources comprise product and service knowledge, technological insight, expertise, problem-solving skills, teamwork proficiency, and a positive attitude. Organizational resources encompass structural aspects, management style, planning processes, innovative policies, organizational culture, learning, knowledge sharing, and data management. Technological resources span updated information technology, personnel with technical expertise, databases, and equipment. Regional resources consider natural and human-made elements within the locale, such as scenery, weather, art, culture, traditions, and infrastructure. Finally, intangible assets encompass industrial property, copyright, brand image, and brand values. In conclusion, the study underscores Thailand’s tourist accommodation organizations’ proactive management and augmentation of tangible and intangible resources to cultivate competence-based organizational innovation. Acknowledging the inherent value of these resources emerges as imperative for sustaining and advancing operational efficacy in the competitive landscape of the tourism industry.

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How to Cite
Chareanporn, T., & Yoopetch, C. (2024). The Influencing Resources of Innovation Development Toward Competence-based Organizational Innovation: : A Case Study of Tourist Accommodation Business in Thailand. Connexion: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 13(1), 54–78. Retrieved from
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