Exploring the Dynamics of Film-Induced Tourism: Impact, Opportunities, and Challenges Towards More Sustainable Practice in Thailand

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Kulrisa Srisangkaew


Film-induced tourism has gained significant attention over the last decade and greatly impacts the economics of many destinations. Nevertheless, it can generate negative impacts in terms of environmental dimension and sociocultural impact. This academic article discusses the benefits and costs of film-induced tourism and how it can be managed and controlled to maximize positive impact and minimize negative impact in the economic, environmental, and sociocultural dimensions. The stakeholders are also evaluated for their role in enforcing effective planning, implementation, and controllable results.

The article investigates the influence of Thai films on tourism, which can be divided into three main areas: economic, social, and environmental impacts. Lastly, the Thai film tourism management framework highlights the involvement of stakeholders, pre-production planning, sustainable production, responsible marketing, tourism experience management, and long-term sustainability to ensure the sustainable growth and preservation of Thai culture and natural resources.


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How to Cite
Srisangkaew, K. (2024). Exploring the Dynamics of Film-Induced Tourism: Impact, Opportunities, and Challenges Towards More Sustainable Practice in Thailand. Connexion: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 13(1), 142–157. retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/MFUconnexion/article/view/271721
Research article


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