A Three-Dimensional Model for the Development of an Ethical Landscape: A Case Study of the Ethical Environment in the Province of Chiang Rai

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Phoranee Kaewbovorn
Phattira Wiphawaphinyo
Suriyadeo Tripathi


The issue of the development of an ethical landscape in Chiang Rai which forms the basis for this research is in line with the provincial policy to transform society as it now is into a more ethical society with a focus on the key values - discipline, sufficiency, honesty and empathy. The first objective was to study the ethical environment, the second was to analyze the data on ethical issues, and the third was to design an ethics model. This research methodologically uses statistical analysis after exploring news items and other data directly related to the four ethical values over the last three years. Then questionnaires were created for the following six sectors of society namely: private sector, public sector, educational sector, religious sector, media sector, and general social sector. Interviews with key informants were then carried out. The findings reveal both positive and negative aspects in three areas namely; the mental condition of individuals, societal behavior and effects from the environment. Data revealed a high suicide rate indicating a need for the development of self-esteem, an understanding of one’s true nature and the cultivation of mindfulness. Data revealed a high rate of road accidents, drug abuse, and the smuggling of goods over the border indicating the need to build trust and cooperation within communities. As for natural disasters a lack of environmental respect still persists; and the evolution from agricultural to non-rural societies has brought about the weakening of social ties and is having a negative effect on the new generation growing up in a fragile ecosystem and without a foundation in ethical values. The development of a strong ethical approach in all of the three main areas mentioned above is therefore imperative in order to build the foundations for a better society in Chiang Rai.

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How to Cite
Kaewbovorn, P., Wiphawaphinyo, P., & Tripathi, S. (2021). A Three-Dimensional Model for the Development of an Ethical Landscape: A Case Study of the Ethical Environment in the Province of Chiang Rai. Connexion: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 10(1), 51–60. สืบค้น จาก https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/MFUconnexion/article/view/251386
Research article


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