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            Teachers’ emotions are no less important than academic knowledge and teaching abilities, since the teachers’ emotions influence thought, feeling, psychological well-being, motivation, classroom atmosphere, academic learning efficiency, behavior, student’s discipline in the classroom and relationship between teachers and students. But several times teachers show their negative emotions in the classroom without thinking about any consequences and such emotions a bad thing for both teachers and students but leads to
more negative effects, such as burnout at work and losing the great relationship between teachers and students. However, teachers play a very important role in student learning development and help drive students to gain academic achievement. Thus, teachers have to recognize and awareness of negative emotional state which occurs, reduce the levels of emotional intensity, emotion regulation and change negative emotions to the positive ones by, for instance, bringing enjoyment, caring, love, pride and pity to the students. These feelings will help support learning and prevent negative outcomes to students well.

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บทความทางวิชาการ (Academic Article)


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