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Vongvipha Thosuwonchinda
Ni Ketut Arismayanti
Khathawut Sungkamart
Irma Rahyuda
Natthakan Rongthong
I Ketut Suwena
Kanlaya Narklangga
I Made Sendra


The objective of this research was to present a comparative study of factors affecting the tourists’ choosing a tourism destination between Bangkok and Bali. This study was a mixed methods research between a quantitative research and a qualitative research. A field study was conducted to collect data from foreign tourists traveling in Bangkok and using travel agency services. In addition, data were collected from tourists visiting various tourist destinations in Bali. From the said process, related factors and tourists’ satisfaction affecting selection for their travel destinations were investigated using Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index (TTCI) to create research instrument with 11 elements (included Tourist attractions, Tourist infrastructure, Amenities, Atmosphere, Recreation areas, Public facilities, Accessibility, Social environment, Social hospitality, Politics and Economics, and Organization and Management) for data collection. The results could be summarized that factors affecting tourists’ satisfaction in choosing tourist destinations in Bangkok and Bali indicated that both groups had consistent opinions on good amenities for all types of tourists, Tourist infrastructure, traffic and availability of tourist information centers. However, they expressed their different opinions in some aspects such as attraction and impression due to different context of a destination.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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