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The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the financial health of employees before retirement age; 2) to study the relationship between financial health and saving patterns of employees before retirement age; 3) to study the savings patterns of employees before retirement age. The quantitative research was a sample of 269 people. The instrument used in this research was a questionnaire. The statistics used for the analysis were frequency, percentage, multiple classification analysis (MCA), and multiple regression analysis (MRA). The qualitative research consisted of a sample of 15 people. The research instrument was the structured interview. The results showed that the overall financial health of pre-retirement employees was at a high level (x =3.49, S.D =.738). The direction of the relationship between personal factors can be explained by the standard adjusted regression correlation coefficient (beta), which found that the standard regression coefficient of variables for gender, age, education level, status, number of members, monthly income, job position, and the duration of work in this organization is positive (.009, .321, .325, .331, .549, .701, .491, .749), which can be predicted by 63 percent.
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