Main Article Content
This article aims to examine the impact of artificial intelligence on education. According to the study, the impact of artificial intelligence on education is: 1) Artificial intelligence can help learners to study, can help teachers to prepare and maintain the course content in the database, and can track the progress of students. 2) Artificial intelligence has a huge impact on curricula in higher education and enrollment of students. 3) The strengths of artificial intelligence are speed, accuracy and consistency. The disadvantage is the lack of soft skills. 4) There should be measures for robot teachers and artificial intelligence to be under human supervision. 5) The integration of artificial intelligence in education takes time, is complex, takes effort to work, and to be successful requires the cooperation of many groups. The expected outcomes of this paper are to inform teachers, educational personnel, and students about the impact, knowledge, skills, competencies, and self-improvement preparations in an era where artificial intelligence plays an increasingly important role in education.
Article Details

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Any contents which appeared in each articles in the journal were authors personal opinion. It did not relate to Phranakorn Rajabhat University and other instructors in the university. Each authors would take responsibility on their articles. If there are any mistake, the authors will take responsibility themselves
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