The Development of Assessment Criteria for the Management of a Women’s Farm Community Business

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วีระ ศิลปรัตนาภรณ์
เสรี ชัดแช้ม
อุทัยพร ไก่แก้ว


Community business management is the process of conducting a business activity based on local inputs. It is a productive activity that is suitable for the lifestyle and the ecosystem of each community. The purposes of this research were: 1) to develop assessment criteria for the management of a women’s farm community business using e-Delphi and to rank the developed components and indicators with Analytic Hierarchy Process; 2) to develop an online assessment
criteria program; and 3) to compare the results of business management system between a general woman’s farm community business and an outstanding woman’s farm community business. Data were analyzed using the Mann-Whitney U test. The results were as follows:
1. The assessment criteria developed for the management of a women’s farm community business was consisted of seven components (22 indicators): 1) customer 2) financial accounting management 3) production 4) financial 5) human resources management 6) knowledge management, and 7) leader and network. Assessing the business management was categorized into five levels from 1 (urgently needing improvement) to 5 (excellent).
2. The developed online program for assessing the management of a women’s farm community business was suitable for use.
3. The results of a business management system between a general woman’s farm community business and an outstanding woman’s farm community business revealed that the outstanding woman’s farm community business had better business management than general woman’s farm community business at the .01 level. These results indicate that the assessment criteria were of good quality, reliable and concurrent validity.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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