The Development of Assessment Criteria in Competitiveness of Sustainable Tourism of Subdistrict Administration Organization

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อนงค์นาถ ติ่งแตง
เสรี ชัดแช้ม
สิริกรานต์ จันทเปรมจิตต์


The competitiveness of sustainable tourism means the ability of tourism to integrate valueadded products, management, innovation, and service delivery so as to be better than that of other competitors. The purposes of this research were: 1) to develop criteria for assessing the competitiveness of sustainable tourism of subdistrict administration organization using the e-Delphi technique involving twenty experts; 2) to develop an online assessment program by applying the
PHP programming language; and 3) to compare the competitiveness of sustainable tourism levels between the awarded subdistrict administration and the non-awarded subdistrict administration. Data were analyzed using the Mann-Whitney U test.
The results were as follows:
1. The developed criteria for assessing the competitiveness of sustainable tourism of subdistrict administration organization contained seven components with 24 indicators. Those were: 1) tourism management (4 indicators); 2) leadership of subdistrict administration organization and human capital (2 indicators); 3) tourism product and service innovation (3 indicators); 4) tourism marketing (4 indicators); 5) value and tourism knowledge management (2 indicators); 6) sustainable tourism development (4 indicators); and 7) tourism destination competitiveness (5 indicators). They were categorized into five levels ranking from needs improvement to very good.
2. The developed online program for assessing the competitiveness of sustainable tourism of subdistrict administration organization was judged to be acceptable.
3. The comparison of the competitiveness of sustainable tourism of subdistrict administration organization between the awarded subdistrict administration and the non-awarded subdistrict administration showed that the awarded subdistrict administration organization had higher levels than the non-awarded subdistrict administration organization (p< .01).
It can be concluded that the developed assessment criteria for the competitiveness of sustainable tourism are appropriate for use in assessing the competitiveness of sustainable tourism of the subdistrict administration organization.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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