Development of the Affective Norms for Thai Words (THAI-ANT) Bank System

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รชมน สุขชุม
เสรี ชัดแช้ม
พีร วงศ์อุปราช


        Texts in style of phrase are a part of language. They are instruments for human communication and stimuli that convey emotion, cognition, and attitude. The objectives of this research were   (1) to analyze the Thai texts of affective and to assess the quality of the affective norms for Thai texts via content validity, a discrimination index, the mean and standard deviation of Thai texts, the reliability of Thai texts for three emotional domains (i.e. valence, arousal, and dominance); and (2) to develop the affective norms for Thai texts (Thai-ANT) bank system. The sample used in this study involved Thai volunteers who lived in Thailand, and were aged between 18 and 60 years, regardless of gender, educational level, and marital status. The sample composed of 400 people. The Self-Assessment Manikin Scale were employed in the study, and t-tests were used to analyze the data.

          It was found that;

  1. A total of 382 Thai affective texts were validated and retained. These texts were classified along the three emotion dimensions: 1) 137 valence texts (77 pleasant, 22 neutral, and 38 unpleasant), 2) 119 arousal texts (51 exited, 46 neutral, and 22 calm), and 3) 126 dominance texts (15 uncontrol, 95 neutral, and 16 control).

  2. A user-friendly computerized program of the Thai Affective Texts (Thai-ANT) Bank System was developed as an online computerized program for housing the validated Thai affective texts had quality at the good level.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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