The study of participation of community contributed to the success of community development guided by the philosophy of sufficiency economy at Banhuakhaojeen, tambon Hoyyangtone, Paktor district, Ratchaburi province.

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Sootawee Klinubon


The purposes of the research were to study the participation of community contributed to the success of community development adopted by the philosophy of sufficiency economy and to compare the participation of community with the success of community development followed by the philosophy of sufficiency economy classified by personal and environment factors. The research method is a combination of both quantitative and qualitative data collection with 108 households as a sample group. The research instruments are questionnaires and in-depth interview about the participation of community with the success of community development adopted the philosophy of sufficiency economy. 9 people   were selected to provide main data. The statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, T-test, and content analysis. It was founded that participation of community contributed to the success of community development followed by the philosophy of sufficiency economy at Banhuakhaojeen, Tambon Hoyyangtone, Paktor District, Ratchburi Province, were high in all levels. The order of ranking from the highest to the lowest level: the participation in decision making was at the first ranks followed by participation in receiving benefits, and the participation in evaluation participation in work. The results of the comparison the participation of community to the success of community development classified by personal and environmental factors were shown that people in different sex, educational background, income, status, and their participation in various community groups could bring about the success to the community. Whereas people in different ages, occupations, duration of staying resulted in  the success of the community development differently with statistical

 significance at the level of .05.

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How to Cite
Klinubon, S. . . (2020). The study of participation of community contributed to the success of community development guided by the philosophy of sufficiency economy at Banhuakhaojeen, tambon Hoyyangtone, Paktor district, Ratchaburi province. Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-Ok Social Science Journal, 9(2), 108–118. Retrieved from
Research Article
Author Biography

Sootawee Klinubon, Silpakorn University

Silpakorn University


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