Saving Skills And Saving Patterns Of Teacher Civilization, Generation X Group Under the Office Of Secondary Educational Service Area 9

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Kamonwan Meetavoen
Sawanya Thamma-apipon


The objectives of this study were 1) to investigate saving skills of Gen X government teachers under the supervision of the Secondary Education Service Area Office 9 in Kamphaeng Saen District, and 2) to study savings model of Gen X government teachers under the supervision of the Secondary Education Service Area Office 9 in Kamphaeng Saen District. A questionnaire was used as a tool to collect data. The sample was 139 Gen X government teachers at three schools under the supervision of the Secondary Education Service Area Office 9 in Kamphaeng Saen District. Three schools studied were Mattayomthanbinkamphangsaen School, Kamphaengsaen Wittaya School , and Salatuekwittaya School. Data collected were then analyzed using statistics, including frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation.The results of this study indicated that most of the respondents were females, aged between 39-44 years, had years of work experience between 1-10 years, married persons, graduated with a bachelor’s degree, earned an average monthly income of 15,001 - 20,000 baht, and had 3 - 5 family members. In terms of savings model, the most commonly saving type was deposit at bank. The purpose savings was for spending after retirement. They began saving since they were 21-30 years.  An average monthly saving was 500-1,000 baht. A frequency of savings was 11-20 times / year. The most popular bank for savings was Krung Thai Bank. Savings skills consisted of saving knowledge, behavior, and attitude. The results indicated that the respondents’ saving knowledge and behavior was at a high level. The respondents’ attitude towards savings was at the highest level. The findings would be beneficial for related government agencies and financial institutions as guidelines for improving effective saving skills and models suitable for public needs.

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How to Cite
Meetavoen, K. ., & Thamma-apipon, S. . (2021). Saving Skills And Saving Patterns Of Teacher Civilization, Generation X Group Under the Office Of Secondary Educational Service Area 9. Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-Ok Social Science Journal, 10(1), 22–30. Retrieved from
Research Article
Author Biographies

Kamonwan Meetavoen, Silpakorn University

Master of Arts Program in Public and Private Management,Faculty of Management Science

Sawanya Thamma-apipon, Silpakorn University

Faculty of Management Science


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